HartSCI Delivering Ground-to-Space Laser Communications Technology

HartSCI is pleased to announce that the company is contracted to deliver adaptive optics technology to a customer in support of ground-to-space laser communications. Space systems currently form the backbone of worldwide communications networks, both civilian and military. Communication links between orbiting satellites and between the satellites and their ground stations have historically relied on radio waves, but much greater …

HartSCI Is Moving!

We’re excited to announce that HartSCI has outgrown our present facility and we’re moving to new larger premises effective June 11 2024! We’re staying in our beloved Tucson but our new address will be: 4565 S. Palo Verde Road, Suite 203 Tucson, AZ 85714 The expansion into a larger space will enable us to increase our production capacity and keep …

HartSCI Wins Contract to Advance Guide Star Laser Technology

HartSCI, in partnership with the University of New Mexico, has been awarded a $1.25M contract, FA9451-24-C-X003, from the Air Force Research Laboratory to advance novel technology in the lasers used to make guide beacons for adaptive optics (AO). Advanced laser-guided AO instrumentation is essential to maintaining Space Domain Awareness for national security because of the detailed information it provides about …

HartSCI’s Dr. Michael Hart to deliver AO Short Course at SPIE in Yokohama

HartSCI’s President Dr. Michael Hart will be presenting the short course on Adaptive Optics and Wave Propagation through Random Media at this year’s SPIE meeting on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation in Yokohama, Japan. This full-day course will be offered on Sunday June 16 at the conference venue at the Pacifico Yokohama. Intended for engineers, scientists, technicians, and students, the course …

AOIM2024 Conference

HartSCI attended the International Workshop on Adaptive Optics For Industry and Medicine, AOIM2024, conference in Padua, Italy March 12 – 15, 2024. Dr. Michael Hart briefed the group on the capabilities of our adaptive optics systems. During his briefing he also ran a live demonstration of one of our ClearStar AO+ systems located at our lab in Tucson, AZ, opening …

HartSCI at AMOS 2023

Join us at the AMOS conference in Maui, HI September 19 – 22. Please stop by our booth in the Exhibition Hall to preview some of our new ClearStar AO product line.

ClearStar Plus AO Deployment

The HartSCI team deployed a custom variation of our ClearStar Plus AO system last week, this time to the NPOI site in Northern Arizona. It is installed on a Planewave PW1000. The weather did not cooperate, but the Lowell Observatory, NPOI and HartSCI team prevailed!

2022 Amos Technology Conference

HartSCI attended the 2022 AMOS Technologies Conference Sept 27-30 in Maui, HI. Dr. Michael Hart gave a talk at the conference on the new paradigm in adaptive optics offered by the introduction of HartSCI’s ClearStar AO system. Additionally HartSCI and Planewave again shared a booth in the Exhibition Hall and received numerous inquiries about the ClearStar AO (TM symbol) system …

HartSCI and Planewave at SPIE Telescopes and Instrumentation

HartSCI attended the 2022 SPIE Telescopes and Instrumentation conference in Montreal, CA July 19 – 21, 2022. We shared a booth with Planewave Instruments in order to announce the new ClearStar AO system for commercial sale this fall. The reaction was overwhelmingly positive from the attendees.

HartSCI Receives Air Force AFWERX Contract Award

Written by Stephen Warner on June 27, 2022 HartSCI is pleased to announce our selection and award of a new contract under the Air Force’s AFWERX TACFI program. The AFWERX MISSION is to accelerate agile and affordable capability transitions by teaming innovative technology developers with Airman and Guardian talent. Awards under this program require a substantial amount of advocacy from the Space Force customer and Air Force end …